In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the tool to copy shortcut message directly into
your clipboard and then search faster by using them.
Open the application and load the dashboard to manage the shortcut messages,
dashboard will be shown as below:

Click on the button to add a shortcut message:

This will open a popup to configure your message.

– Select the colour to remember.
– Give your shortcut some Title/label.
– Enter your message that you want to display using the short cut.
– Give your shortcut some Title/label.
– Enter your message that you want to display using the short cut.
For example, in this above-mentioned example we have used the shortcut shift + A.
For example, in this above-mentioned example we have used the shortcut shift + A.
Install the Chrome extension.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to install the Chrome extension on your chrome browser to
use our features. You can only use this feature if you are using a chrome browser.
Click on the button “download the chrome extension”.

This will download a ZIP file that will be saved to your computer.

Right-click on the ZIP file and extract it. After extracting the ZIP file you will get an
extracted folder that will contain files inside.
After extraction, go in your Chrome browser and top of right click on the 3 dots of your
browser (more -> extensions) OR visit directly this link chrome://extensions (via omnibox or
menu -> Tools -> Extensions).
Enable Developer mode by checking the checkbox in the upper-right corner.
Click on the “Load unpacked extension…” button.
Open the directory where you have saved your unpacked extension (do not select zip file, just
select the unzipped folder the extracted copy).
The extension will display in the list of your extensions.
After the extension has been installed in the chrome, refresh the page of the chrome browser
and use the shortcut you have selected ( as in the mentioned example we have used shift +
A), this will copy the text to the clipboard and then you can paste it whenever you want using
basic paste shortcuts or directly by using right click.